Optimize Decision Value

The concept of decision focused risk management is embedded in the ISO 31000 as well as COSO standard, and is still not standard operating process. The approach may seem opaque to many risk managers wishing to add real value to their organisation.

In this workshop a series of simple and intuitive, yet highly valuable steps are provided to enable organisations to replace backward looking management of risks with a proactive decision focused approach which enhances performance. Doing this consistently creates a culture of intelligent risk taking.


Handout and slides

About The Speaker

Hans Læssøe

Hans Læssøe

Founder, AKTUS

Utilizing my experience and insights, AKTUS consulting focus on leveraging risk management and strategy processes to enhance organizational maneuverability and make this a competitive advantage for organizations. In a volatile world, management of risks needs to deliver more than being safe when the boat is rocking. Perservering requires intelligent risk taking ... having the ability and courage to be the one rocking the boat.