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10% discount off StrategicRISK’s training programmes

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90 days free ModelRisk licence to everyone registered

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Save 30% on G31000 Risk Management Maturity model

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Attendees can obtain a hard copy of the book "Project Risk Quantification" from the publisher at a meeting price of $36 (plus shipping) which is 40% off the list price. Also, book buyers can get the demo parametric Excel model by contacting the author.

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Sign up for my newsletter and I'll let you know how and when to download some of my books on Kindle for free.

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88% off for a Kindle copy of my book, Winning Conversations: How to turn red tape into blue ribbon

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10% off on Team workshop on Leadership and Risk Management 20% off on Team risk profile assessment and mitigation plan email [email protected] with the code RAW2019

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Sign up for my newsletter and I'll let you know how to download three of my books on Kindle for free.

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30% discount on amazing strategic risk and technology management by Patrick McConnell. Strategy is hard. Risk Management is hard. Putting the two together creates a ‘wicked’ combination, the size and complexity of which will tax even the best of minds. To succeed, a smart Board will consider the problem of how to develop and then execute a meaningful strategy in advance of when they need to. Strategic Risk Management is aimed to help Boards to stop and think before they leap, in the hope they will be more likely to succeed when they do decide to make major strategic decisions. Discount code: RAW2019

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Save 50% on brand new e-learning course "ISO31000 Integrating Risk Management into Decision Making"

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