Frank Ashe

Founder, Quantitative Strategies I'm a Board Director (NED), and have a consulting and capability building practice, specialising in risk governance, behavioural finance, risk management, and investments. I cover the gamut from culture and behavioural psychology, to corporate strategy, to technical matters in derivative risk, to asset-liability management, to comparative corporate governance, and on.

About this speaker

Quantitative Strategies, ie Dr Frank Ashe, seeks to fill a sparsely populated niche in the business world - lucid and pragmatic advice on a wide variety of financial governance, risk and investment areas, delivered by an experienced person with a very strong qualitative and quantitative background.

A quantitative foundation by itself is not sufficient; most major problems in business arise from people, and so an understanding of human psychology, philosophy, and history is also essential. I've been investigating and using aspects of behavioural finance since 1980.

I've worked for over 35 years in Australia, Canada, Africa and Asia with consultancies, insurance companies, investment management firms, bond dealers, and financial software houses. A recent example of pro bono capability building work was through Actuaries Without Borders, where I ran two courses with IFAGE, in Dakar, Senegal, lifting the capability of people in that country’s nascent insurance industry.

Since 2010 I've facilitated 2-day workshops for people studying for the Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA) qualification through the Actuaries Institute (Australia). A one day course on bringing senior actuarial personnel up to speed on some of the new maths and stats being used in risk management is also popular through Asia, being delivered in HK, Singapore, Mumbai and Sydney.

I'm a regular presenter at industry seminars and colloquia. I regularly travel through East and South Asia, mostly in Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Mumbai, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

If you want to speak to someone who has implemented quantitative risk processes while ensuring that senior management know what is happening, then give me a call. And call me if you want to understand why big banks failed to properly manage their risks in the 2000s even though they were awash with PhDs and other quants, and why it will happen again. Let's face it, in risk management the emphasis should be on management, not on risk.

Prequalified for appointment to Risk & Audit Cttees for NSW Govt.

Specialties: Risk management, risk assessment, enterprise risk management, mediation of intra-company conflicts, mentoring, corporate governance, behavioral finance, neuroeconomics, historical and philosophical cultural effects on business practices, high level quantitative skills, statistics, mathematics.

If I was doing my PhD today, I’d say it was using Machine Learning with Big Data, but I thought I was just making predictions using lots of data, making up the statistical tools as I went along. Nothing’s changed, except the name.

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Do you know what you're doing?

Frank Ashe