Join the Risk Management Awareness week and watch all workshops on demand. Amazing lineup of speakers running online workshops dedicated to integrating risk management into decision making, planning, project management, performance management and core business processes.
More than 3700 people from 121 countries already watched our workshops.
Places are limited, so be quick or register for the upcoming RAW2020
What is Risk Awareness Week?
Risk Awareness Week RAW2019 brings some of the leading risk management researchers and practitioners to your computer or mobile phone. It is designed to raise awareness about risk management application in planning, forecasting, budgeting, construction, investments and performance management and will significantly enhance your decision making.
It is a 100% online conference that enables you to tune into just the workshops that interest you. More than 50 presentations will be broadcast on demand. You can watch each sessions when it suits you, on your computer, phone or tablet. This event will be of value to decision makers and risk professionals alike.
Here's What Others Are Saying
5 reasons to attend #RAW2019
Here are some of the highlights
Learn from some of the best risk management and decision making experts in the world. Each speaker has been carefully selected to share case studies, master classes and workshops with our participants. Each presentation is specifically tailored to appeal to both risk managers and decision makers alike.
More than 50 interactive workshops in risk-based decision making that you can take, adopt and implement in your business. All this you can watch on your computer or mobile phone. In a different time zone? No problem, you will be able to watch replays of all sessions you register to and your access is forever, so you can rewatch it any time you like. Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice and exclusive offers.
With 1000s of attendees you will be able to use RAW2019 platform to find solutions, clients or partners. Make sure you use this global online risk management and decision making event to its full potential: engage during the workshops, ask questions, have conversations with other attendees, send questions to the organisers, let us know what topics or case studies you would like to see, provide feedback. We are planning to run a series of giveaways and discounts during the conference. Make sure you take full advantage of the offers.
Learn from some of the best risk and decision practitioners, the challenges they faced when integrating risk management into organisational processes and cultures and how they overcome them. We have speakers from every continent on the planet (almost). Learn how to apply risk management tools in planning, budgeting, decision making and performance management. Learn how to measure and analyze risks and their effect on objectives. Learn how to set targets and measure corporate performance using risk management tools. And learn what works in different parts of the world.
Say Hello To Our Speakers
Here are just some of the people who can help you with advice, examples and suggestions to excel your career in risk management, decision making or project management.
Our theme this year is better decision making through risk management with specific focus on better planning, performance management and governance through risk management and decision science. Our core objective this year is to bring risk management to non-risk professionals who would benefit from its concepts and ideas the most. We want to ensure that we are able to empower non-risk employees to enhance corporate and personal decision making through better use of risk management tools and techniques.